Welcome rider, take advantage of our free tools or contact us for any question!
English version coming soon, for now you can test our tools in French or Dutch.
Salary Indicator
Indicate how much you work, your average turnover and your expenses: we will give you a comparison of what you can earn and your benefits, depending on your status (employee, self-employed, P2P).
Personalized advice
Indicate your situation and we will immediately give you advice in case of problems, about your rights...
You have (had) any problems as a rider?
You had an accident?
That can happen. United Freelancers will try to make sure the insurance will intervene so you don't have to pay yourself.
Nobody knows exactly when you can be de-activated. That is where United Freelancers wants to intervene, by contacting Deliveroo and Uber Eats.
Complicated situation?
Exceeding maximum amount of sharing economy, INAMI/RIZIV, your self-employed status, social contributions, unemployment (ONEM/RVA), FPS Finance, CPAS/OCMW. It's complicated. We help couriers and try to help clarify the situation.
Questions? In need of help? Contact us!
Maison des Livreurs - rue du TrĂŽne 125, 1050 Ixelles
Check if we are open on Facebook - contact via lamaisondeslivreurs@gmail.com
ACV-CSC United Freelancers: unitedfreelancers@acv-csc.be
02/244 31 00 on:
On monday and wednesday between 8:30 AM and 12:30 PM.
On Tuesday and Thursday between 1 PM and 5 PM.
đĄ Good to know: even if you are not yet a member, you can still contact United Freelancers. We will look at your situation and arrange your membership together.
Why these tools?
Platforms like Deliveroo and UberEats claim that the interest of people working through them is the first priority, but is it really? The reality seems to prove otherwise: protests from workers, lawsuits in all countries of Europe, platform workers getting into trouble because of poor working conditions and lack of information and so on. The lack of transparency of such platforms often isolates workers, prevents them from getting what they are entitled to, and gets them into trouble.
With these tools, United Freelancers aims to support platform workers to avoid problems, provide access to what they are entitled to, and portray how such platforms abuse the lack of obligation to comply with legislation.
These tools were developed with a focus on user privacy.
Termes et conditions:
Ces outils sont en phase de test pour les livreurs de repas. Si vous ĂȘtes un travailleur de plateforme pour une autre plateforme et que vous souhaitez obtenir plus d'informations Ă ce sujet, veuillez contacter United Freelancers par e-mail Ă unitedfreelancers@acv-csc.be ou par tĂ©lĂ©phone au 02/244.31.00 (lundi et mercredi de 8h30 Ă 12h30 - mardi et jeudi de 13h Ă 17h).
Ces outils ont été développés par United Freelancers et ACV Innovatief, avec le soutien du Fonds social européen. Le FSE met à disposition des fonds pour les innovations qui contribuent à la création d'emplois plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité pour un plus grand nombre de personnes. Découvrez l'opération en Flandre via www.esf-vlaanderen.be.